The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority 工党尚未将该问题列为优先考虑的事项。
We consider this debugging effort a high priority so that we can investigate all crashes and serious system conditions. 我们认为这种调试工作非常重要,这让我们能够研究所有崩溃和严重的系统问题。
That is, thread-dispatch logic should be run either at high priority or within a high-priority thread. 即,线程调度逻辑应该以高优先级运行,或在高优先级的线程中运行。
Globalization requirements are usually not considered high priority during the planning and implementation phases of the software lifecycle. 全球化需求在软件生命周期的计划和执行阶段中通常并没有很高的优先级。
Give this entry a high priority. 赋予该条目一个高优先级。
Their obstacles and defects become our "High Priority" defects. 他们遇到的障碍和缺陷成为我们最高优先级的缺陷。
In a virtualized desktop infrastructure, availability of the user's desktop is a high priority. 在虚拟桌面基础结构中,用户桌面的可用性是很重要的问题。
Where as a lower level customer service representative may not be able to see high priority customers. 一个较低级的客户服务代表可能不能看到高优先级的客户。
The list can be filtered to show only tasks that are high priority, overdue, or due today. 可以筛选该列表以仅显示高优先级、逾期或今日到期的任务。
In strengthening social development, we must give high priority to ensuring and improving the people's wellbeing. 加强社会建设,必须以保障和改善民生为重点。
It is evident from the report that China places high priority on seeking continued development while maintaining overall stability. 从报告当中可以显而易见地看出,中国高度重视在保持总体稳定的同时寻求可持续发展。
We gave high priority to conserving resources and protecting the environment. 我们高度重视资源节约和环境保护。
Prevention of childhood obesity therefore needs high priority. 因此,需要对预防儿童期肥胖症给予高度重视。
Such soldiers state that selecting a more effective cartridge should have a high priority. 这些战士的陈述对选择新的有效弹药筒应该有高度的优先权。
You have been given a high priority task that needs to be completed within a short time frame. 你刚获得高优先级的任务需要在很短的时间完成。
Creation of all kinds of culture and art were given high priority. 非常重视各种文化和各种艺术的创作。
The prevention and control of dengue has high priority in this region, and rightly so. 登革热的防控是本区域的一项重点,并理应如此。
Find time to concentrate on high priority items or activities. 找到时间去专注于高优先级的事项或者活动。
The development of new, alternative insecticides is a high priority, but is an expensive and long-term endeavour. 开发新的替代杀虫剂是个首要重点,但也是一项昂贵的长期努力。
One of our high priority items for the first feature release, 1.1, is the debugger. 我们另一个高优先级的任务就是第一个新特性版本:1.1,它增加了调试器。
Since they have no children, security is not a high priority. 因为他们没有孩子,他们首先考虑的不是保障问题。
Testing becomes a high priority given continuous integration of demonstrable capabilities. 如果有可证明能力的持续集成,测试变得拥有更高的优先级。
Tuberculosis control should remain a high priority in Viet Nam. 越南仍应将结核病的控制放在工作的首要位置。
In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority. 在美国人的价值体系中,耐心并不很重要。
In multiprogramming, the environment in which high priority programs are executed. 在多道程序设计中,执行高优先级程序的环境。
But that's probably not going to be a high priority tonight. 而且这可能算不上是今晚的最大麻烦。
ThyssenKrupp Elevator has attached high priority to the environmental performance of its products and production processes for many years. 蒂森克虏伯电梯多年来一直高度重视其产品和与整个生产过程的环保意识。
We must continue to make the health of women a high priority. 我们必须继续将妇女健康列为高度优先事项。
But it is a promising market and as a company it has a high priority for us. 但这是一个有前途的市场,作为一家公司,我们很看重它。
Ensure the safety of passenger and staff as high priority and prevent the escalation of the incident to emergency. 优先保证乘客和工作人员安全,并防止事件上升为紧急事件。